Why YOU Are the Best Person to Host a Virtual Event for Your Industry, Target Market or Niche

by | Aug 6, 2009 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 1 comment

When I was planning my very first Social Media Telesummit in 2007, I was a little nervous about hosting it. You see, I was known as a podcasting expert and while this tool is part of the social media toolkit, I wasn’t sure I should be the one hosting a virtual event on the topic of social media.

I went ahead with it and this annual virtual event not only boosts my income each year, but it has helped raised my credibility and reputation in the marketplace which makes it so much easier to attract clients and joint venture partners.

If you’re waiting for someone to give you permission to host a virtual event on your topic, you need to shake all your doubts aside and just go for it.

Here are a few reasons why you’re the best person to host a virtual event on your topic:

You know ALOT about the topic.

You studied it for years, you have a degree or certification in it or you have experience working with a process, tool or procedure. For example, this year is my 10th year blogging. I started my first blog in 1999. I could easily host a virtual event about blogging due to the number of years I’ve used this tool. What do you know really well? Whatever it is, you can definitely host a virtual event on that topic.

You are your own success story.

Maybe you were once bankrupt and are now a self-made millionaire. Or, maybe you were angry and then, you developed a unique system that led you to a life of peace. If your mess is now your message based on a step-by-step system that you created, you are in a great position to host a virtual event.

My friend, Milana Leshinsky is an excellent example of this. When she first migrated to the United States from her native Russia, she started doing mini-websites for people. Eventually, she focused on helping coaches create multiple streams of income online. She went from making $100 here and there to a multi-million dollar business. She was more than qualified to host the Coaching Telesummit in 2005, 2006 & 2007.

You’ve written and spoken on the topic.

If you’ve published a book, a series of articles, a column or if you’ve produced a television show, radio program or podcast series on your topic, then you’re fully qualified to launch a virtual event in your industry or niche.

When I wrote my book, Podcasting for Profit, I interviewed just over 50 podcasters and did tons of research to make sure all my data was correct. People really appreciate this dedication to a topic and if you write or speak on a topic often, this qualifies you as an expert.

Which brings me to my last point…

Others call you an expert

If the media quotes you often or if a journalist, colleague, best selling author or one of your clients calls you an expert, then you should wear this badge with honor. As an expert, people will listen to you and take your opinions more seriously. When you have this platform, it’s a perfect time to host a virtual event.

My final thoughts

You do have what it takes to host a virtual event. You do not need anyone’s permission to do so. Just remember that if you know as much as you do about your topic or if others believe you’re an expert, it’s fine time to produce a virtual event. And if you want more tips on how to get started, I invite you to attend a free teleclass I’m hosting on August 12, 2009 at 1pm EDT called 5 Winning Habits of Highly Profitable Virtual Event Managers. Just enter your first name and email address in the box in the right hand sidebar to get the call-in details.

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1 Comment

  1. Sandi4VA

    This sounds like a great topic, and something I'm looking forward to learning more about! Can't wait to be in on the teleclass next week.