Why the Social Media Telesummit Is Much More Than the Live Sessions

by | Feb 20, 2008 | Uncategorized

The Social Media Telesummit is becoming its own social media case study. It’s fascinating to see the Telesummit speakers and my affiliates use Twitter, Facebook, blogs, podcasts, videos and other social media tools to promote this event.

One of the biggest concerns I see about the Telesummit is the number of sessions. Some have complained that they can’t sit on their phone for 4 hours a day over 8 days.

The Telesummit is so much more than the live sessions. While I’d love to hear an audience of people interacting with myself and the speakers through each and every session, it’s how attendees consume and interact with the content AFTER the live sessions are over where the true value lies.

Paul Colligan captures it so nicely in this 9 minute video. He explains the 7 ways to get the most out of the Telesummit using the analogy of a buffet. It’s well worth the viewing whether you plan to attend the Telesummit – or not.

Please note – If you want to attend any of the live sessions, register before 11:59pm EST on February 20th. After the 20th, you will have only one payment option (the most expensive one) and you lose out on the bonuses. In essence, you’ll pay more for less. Click here to grab your seat right now and participate in this innovative event.

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