Why Some People Are Just Not Attracted to Telesummits, Video Summits or Virtual Events

by | Jun 30, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 8 comments

Not everyone is attracted to telesummits, video summits or virtual events. Understanding the personality of the person who will attend a virtual event will help you understand how to target them in your marketing messages.  In this video, I share the characteristics of who attends virtual events and what you should offer to them after it’s over.


Click here to read more about Kendall Summerhawk’s VIP Day Quick Profit Secrets (afflink) so you can add this as a post-monetization strategy after you host your telesummit, video summit or virtual event.

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  1. Tara Holling

    Really great video, Leesa! I’m in the beginning stages of planning my first telesummit. Your advice has definitely made me stop and think about which model I’ll be using. To be honest, I hadn’t really even considered that there might be other options! Thanks so much for the great info.

  2. Craftwerks.new.media

    wow. great video. I really enjoyed it and took notes. The visuals really helped. Will be exploring your services.

  3. Andrea Feinberg

    Thanks Leesa ~

    This is an insightful, valuable bit of content: understanding who’s attracted to a specific form of teaching, event or program helps us develop product and marketing messages consistent with their preferred mode of learning ; brilliant!! 

    • Leesa Barnes

      You’re right, Andrea. It’s about meeting the learning needs of your audience. Also, it’s about using the teaching aid that helps you shine as the teacher. That’s one of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned. 

  4. Bob The Teacher Jenkins

    Love the comp book drawing pad for your illustrations Leesa 🙂

    More importantly you’ve got a great model in this video to show in 2 areas:

    1) the most obvious is helping people create a profitable, high impact virtual event instead of a “just another” pitchfest telesummit of overwhelm


    b) your video is a great example of the types of videos I’m championing in my Video Velocity program, where you confidently answer a major frustration of your audience with expertise, insight, and high hopes for the implementation of what you’ve just shared.

    Thanks for being a champion of integrity in marketing!


    • Leesa Barnes

      Woohoo! Getting a stamp of approval from you, Bob, means everything, especially considering what you’re teaching your students in your Video Velocity program.

      The illustrations do 2 things:

      1 – It helps me stay on track. Sometimes, I have so many things going through my mind, I may lose my train of thought and then confuse my audience.

      2 – The illustrations also prompt me to do a dry run a few times BEFORE I turn on the camera. Because I have to draw the pictures ahead of time, it forces me to practice what I’m going to say before I start recording. Doing so helps me to cut out unnecessary content and keeps my videos short and sweet.

  5. NancyMarmolejo

    Great video, great tips, great visuals!!! Why are you the ONLY one telling it like it is with telesummits? I love the solution you present (I’m a huge fan of “get it all done in 1 day” offers) and the reality check you present throughout.


    • Leesa Barnes

      I read. ALOT. And when I read, I tend to come up with my most brilliant content. When I stop reading, that’s when I find that I struggle with what to write (or video) about. So, when I get stuck, I go to the library. I can get through 3 books a week and the library helps me devour books without hitting my pocketbook. I don’t bother checking the library catalogue or go for the bestselling books. I just head to the psychology or marketing sections and just pull books off the shelf. I come across some really compelling ideas by staying flexible about the books I read.