Wow, if someone had told me that writing a book would be hard work, I think…I still would’ve written the book.
My deadline was extended to April 30th at my request, but I also promised my publisher that it would be my one and only extension. With 50,000 words still to write, I’m furiously trying to write the copy by the deadline. I know I’ll get it done as I typically shine under pressure.
I’m currently finishing up the chapter called Advertising & Sponsorship. It’s turning out to be a mammoth chapter. Without any screenshots, it’s nearing 15 pages and could top 20 by the time I finish tonight. I’m happy about this since most of the other chapters are 7 pages or less.
What makes this chapter interesting are the various advertising and sponsorship models that exist. And not all advertising and sponsorship models are the same. But one thing that stands out is Podshow, but not for the reason you think.
Up to this point, all I’ve heard about Podshow is how evil they are. Part of this is because Podshow has taken what appears to be an old media approach to new media, while others feel Podshow is being cagey about their revenue model. Still others aren’t happy that Podshow doesn’t reveal what percentage of its podcasters are actually making money.
After interviewing a few podcasters who belong to Podshow, I’m now seeing the other side. Podcasters who left their full-time jobs to work on their podcast full-time because of Podshow. Podcasters who are now able to create a more fulfilling lifestyle because of Podshow. I haven’t heard the same thing said of other podcast advertising networks yet.
Podshow isn’t a saint. It has made its share of mistakes. And for the podcasters I interviewed, they couldn’t reveal the details of their contracts. But unless someone can show me hard cold facts and numbers that prove why Podshow is the big bad wolf, then stop crying wolf.
And yes, I do belong to a podcast network, but it’s not Podshow.
podcast advertising,
ok… call me dim… I assume the lovely Julien is implying that the positive nature of your post is sure to alienate viewers… or is it simply that podshow is so uniformly hated that readers will be immediately turned off to any post that refutes the idea of the common enemy they love to hate? lord.. I hope its not the former… while I would never charecterize my web activities (blog and vodcast) as pure sweetness and light I am counting on the fact that there are ppl out there who do care about real human experiece, emotion and inspiration… much like Julien’s brilliant “listen to your kids” cast does…
I think as much as PodShow is an organization that people have their opinions about, Adam Curry is an extremely polarizing person. I haven’t met many people that are in the middle about him.
Talk to CC and Marcus Couch. Those boys LOVE godaddy and there is good reason. Oh yeah, I love them too, as well as Tylenol PM.
Dave Jackson
Musicians Cooler
jules, sadly, you’re right.
taylor, exactly what i needed – a quick pat on the back 🙂
bry, trying the no sleep thing. kinda like having a newborn in the house (I think) only I’m doing all the crying 😉
… I’m just wondering how you’ll crank through another 50,000 words in less than a week. Good luck!
You are doing a great job writing the book Leesa. Keep up the great work and I can’t wait to get my hands on a finished copy 🙂
well said. if i know the blogosphere well, this post should gain absolutely no traction.