Why Podcasters Can’t Live By Google Adsense Alone

by | Apr 7, 2008 | Podcasting

On March 28th, I was pleased to see that Google Adsense deposited $106.05 into my business chequing account. Very nice.

The rotten part of this all is that I opened my Adsense account in November 2005, the day I started generating page impressions on my podcasting blog called Podonomics Explored on Blogspot.

If you’re good at math, you’ll realize that it took me almost 2 and a half years to generate just over $100 from text ads.

Here are some interesting statistics from the report I generated in Google Adsense:

  • I averaged 91 page impressions per day between November 2005 and April 2008.
  • The day I had the highest number of page impressions was 458 generated on February 20, 2008.
  • Total page impressions between November 2005 and April 2008 is 59,345.
  • Total number of clicks between November 2005 and April 2008 is 271.
  • The average click through rate is 0.46% (less than 1%).

At one point, I had Adsense text ads on 3 different websites – my podcasting blog on Blogspot, my podcasting blog at Podonomics.com and here at LeesaBarnes.com. Sadly, text ads did nothing to keep me gainfully employed as a podcasting consultant.

I’ve figured out other ways to make money podcasting. You can join my success club where I teach you how or join me in Las Vegas at the New Media Expo where I’ll teach you live.  Or, you can get my book.

Either way, unless you’re Darren Rowse or Andy Wibbels, relying on text ads or Google Adsense to make money podcasting is a sad, long road to profitability.

Photo courtesy swamysk on Flickr

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