Why Charging What You’re Worth Is a Complete Lie

by | Mar 19, 2015 | Unleash the Flow of Money

I have a very strong opinion regarding the term charge what you’re worth.

It’s a lie.

Let me explain…

Women tend to devalue their skills, experience and expertise. This lack of self-worth is reflected in their pricing.

That’s why some money coaches will encourage their clients to “charge what you’re worth” in an effort to help them become more confident about their value.

However, our worth and significance can never be valued by money…

You are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image. He knew who you would be before you were born. God carefully planned your existence. You are not a mistake.

You are worth way more than anything that any human could ever create. And knowing this should release you from tying your self-worth to money.

But, it’s also NOT an excuse NOT to set your fees…

You must be compensated for your time, wisdom and experiences. Even healers need to finance their plans. Without money:

  • You cannot travel to workshops and conferences to influence others from the stage.
  • You cannot live comfortably, without stress, in a home that brings you enjoyment and peace.
  • You cannot honour your responsibilities and still have enough left over to save for retirement and provide for your self-care.
  • You cannot serve your clients at your highest due to stress and panic.

Here’s a 3-step formula to set your fees with ease…

If you’re trying to price your coaching and consulting services, you won’t find much information online.

Sure, there are resources that will tell you what mistakes you’re making with setting your coaching fees, but very few will give you an exact formula for pricing your programs.

Until now…

At a recent event, I shared the 3 ways you can set your fees with ease. I love this formula. In fact, one attendee asked me at the event “Did you create this yourself?” When I said yes, she said “I have never seen anyone explain pricing so beautifully and clearly before.”

Watch this short video to find out how you can set your fees so you can then state them with ease.

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