Why are We Ashamed to Confront Our Money Drama?

by | Mar 7, 2013 | Unleash the Flow of Money

As a money coach imagine my surprise when I almost became the victim of a money scam back in 2012.

I had started using the Internet back in 1994 and had prided myself in being smart enough to avoid any scams in all my years online. Yet, here I was massaging my bruised ego after nearly being scammed myself so recently.

And it didn’t help that when I shared my experience with a family member, they went on and on about how they could never be scammed and if greed wasn’t my driving force, I wouldn’t have been so gullible.

Shame and fear are the 2 emotions that keep us from facing our money drama.

We feel embarrassed by past mistakes and we fear facing the decisions that we’ve made, for example:

  • Maybe you haven’t filed taxes in years and are afraid of being sent to jail if you even attempt to get caught up
  • Or maybe you’re too stubborn to change your dead-end job/career/business because you fear change
  • Or perhaps tou’re afraid to make more money with your side hustle because it means your assistance will be reduced
  • Or maybe you’ve avoided tallying up your credit card debts because you’re worried that you’ll become so depressed at the balloon amount
  • Or, you don’t want to stop spending what you really don’t have because Sister so-and-so will see that you’re really poor because you’ve gone a month without wearing a new dress

Your past money choices represent your past thinking.

It’s time to stop brooding over your current situation and start making right choices.

In her book called Trust God Day by Day, Joyce Meyer states:

“The way to overcome the results of a series of bad choices is through a series of right choices. The only way to walk out of trouble is to do the opposite of whatever you did to get into trouble – one choice at a time. You may be in debt because you have made a lot of bad choices with money. If you really want your life to change for the better, you will need to make one good choice after another, over a period of time, just as consistently as you made the negative choices that produced negative results. You can sill have a bless life.” (p 38) 

Commit to making better choices around your money.

In Romans 12:2 it states that you should be transformed through the renewal of your mind. You know understand what money drama is, what is the root of that drama, how it shows up and why we’re ashamed to confront it. Now, make the choice to start making better choices, one step at a time on a consistent basis.

What say you?

What shame or fear are you carrying around concerning your money? What are some ways that you’ve overcome these negative emotions? How have you made your money right? Share below.

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