When Faced With an Obstacle, Don’t Make Excuses

by | Jun 20, 2008 | Uncategorized

“When you encounter obstacles, you make adjustments, investments, and even sacrifices. But never excuses.”

Brian Clark wrote this in his blog post comparing Tiger Wood’s win at the US Open to succeeding online. This is by far the best quote I’ve read in quite some time. And I couldn’t have read it at a better time.

I had to reschedule the Toronto date for the Podcasting for Profit Breakfast Seminar to July 23rd. As I was writing up the 3 dozen emails I had to send out to the registrants, the prospects, the affiliates and others, I thought about what I was going to say.

I could’ve made excuses. The venue double booked. I was ill. The dog ate my laptop. Or, as Brian wrote above, I could adjust the date, make sacrifices (like my pride and even some refunds) and communicate that to everyone.

I chose the latter. Thanks Brian.

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