What to Do When Your Personal or Money Tempo is Low

by | May 20, 2013 | Unleash the Flow of Money | 2 comments

There are times when you’ll feel a loss of energy. A lack of spark. You know you’re supposed to work on the “great idea,” that thing that God has called you to do, but you feel stuck. And when you’re stuck, so too is your money.

Here’s one thing you can do to get your tempo back on the right beat…

I did one thing that helped me get back into the groove. No, it wasn’t a pill. No, it wasn’t some great secret. And no, it wasn’t a new man. I physically did something and used my eyes to see what I had left behind. Curious? Watch the video below to find what I did and how you can use this same strategy to get your groove back.

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Show Notes

00:50 – The one place I went to help reset my low personal tempo

01:06 – How taking stock of your past achievements can help you get your groove back

02:49 – The best way to complete the action step so you’re successful


Your Faithfully Rich Action

Listen to the video for this week’s Faithfully Rich Action, then post the results in the comments area below.

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  1. Kim Hawkins

    I am going to visit my parents on June 2nd. They still live in the same home where I grew up. I am looking forward to taking note of what’s changed with me, how I feel being there and resetting my tempo. Thanks for the encouragement Leesa.

    • Leesa Renee Hall

      Would love to hear what happens. Please share once you get back from your old neighbourhood.


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