What Pink Luggage Taught Me About Producing Spectacular Virtual Events

by | Jun 2, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 10 comments

The Luggage of My Dreams

I spent the last 5-days trying to find the luggage that you see pictured on the left. It’s made by Heys, it’s pink and it’s hardcover. I’m in desperate need of new luggage, especially since I leave today for Nancy’s I Heart My Business 3-day workshop in California, so I started my search last week to give myself enough time.

The first thing I did is call the Heys Canada head office to see if I could just pop by and buy what I want. The receptionist told me that they don’t sell direct to the public and that I should go to one of their retailers. Sears and the Bay are the 2 she mentioned, so I jumped in my car and drove to both these department stores.

Of course, they have Heys luggage in gray, lilac, teal, red and black, but not pink. I went to every Sears and Bay that’s within driving distance of where I live, but no pink. I think I burned enough gas to buy 8 sets of Heys luggage in pink with all the driving I did. I even got a Driver’s Tan on my left arm because I was in the car so much.

But to my disappointment, no pink luggage. And while at Winners, I almost bought a multi-colored luggage because I desperately wanted new luggage. I stood there and looked at the luggage for 20-minutes trying to convince myself to buy it. But in the end, I just couldn’t bring myself to settling for something I really didn’t want.

I now have to drag my lilac luggage that only has one wheel and put all my muscle into keeping it from teetering from side to side (thanks goes to Skyservice for somehow separating the other wheel from my suitcase about a year ago).

Is there a virtual event lesson here? But of course!

I believe that many of us settle when we produce our telesummits and virtual events. We want a design done for the logo that’ll represent our virtual event, so we go with the cheapest option. Then, with our backs against the wall, we settle for a crappy design instead of going out and hiring the best talent.

Or, we open up a bunch of tabs that point to 5 or 6 virtual events. We have NO CLUE how to write sales copy, but we mash together the words from 5 or 6 virtual events together on our virtual event sales page and decide that that’s good enough.

Or, we super blast our friends on Facebook inviting them to our virtual event. We don’t care that mom’s on the friends list or your cousin third removed from Kansas is on the list or that teenagers who you volunteer with at church are on the friends list. We settle for a sandblast approach to our marketing instead of really trying to understand how to build a tribe using social media who’ll take action on everything you send them.

Instead of waiting for the pink suitcase with our virtual events, we settle for the teal, lilac, gray, black or red because we’re in a rush. Because we don’t have the money. Because, because, because…

So, what ways have you cut corners with your telesummit or virtual event that came back to bite you in the butt? What advice can you share with others so they take more care when producing their virtual events?

And if you want more tips, be sure to sign up for my FREE teleclass called Why Won’t They Sign Up. I’ll share the 4 keys you need to know so you fill your virtual events that align with your heart centered values.

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  4. Leesa Barnes

    Denise, I didn't even think about that. The pink would get dirty quickly, huh? I do appreciate your input and I still want one.

  5. DeniseWakeman

    Excellent post, Leesa. I had a pink suitcase awhile back. Received as a gift since it's known that pink is my Blog Squad color. What a mistake. After one trip it was filthy and scrapped up from going through the baggage handling process. After one trip I didn't use it anymore because I didn't want a dirty suitcase to represent me. Now I stick with black or dark blue since they don't show the dirt as much. I know that's not really the point of this post, but just thought you would appreciate my own experience with pink luggage which I had wanted so badly as well. Blog on my friend!

    • Leesa Barnes

      Denise, I didn't even think about that. The pink would get dirty quickly, huh? I do appreciate your input and I still want one.

  6. Maranda Gibson

    Having only recently found your blog Leesa, I have to say I really enjoy your take on subjects. This is one of my favorites so far. We all definitely settle, rather than plan ahead. I don't think people realize the time that has to be put into an event — any kind of event — for it to go off well. Taking the time to get exactly what you want will pay off for everyone.

    Also.. pink luggage? I think I need that too. The drivers tan? Not so much.

    • Leesa Barnes

      One shoulder is about 10,000 shades darker than that other. That always happen when I spend tons of time in the car.

      And thanks for your perspective on my perspective. I hope I can continue to inspire.

  7. yoanap

    Really good post Leesa, and I love that luggage. Did you ever find it?

    I'm guilty of the above, especially when it comes to writing copy, so I've decided to invest in a few good books to help me master copywriting!

    Any recommendations?

    • Leesa Barnes

      Believe me, I still make these mistakes from time to time. As for books, I haven't really relied on any in my copywriting experience. There is one written by Dan Kennedy that comes highly recommended. It was written decades ago and it focuses on how to write direct mail pieces, however, the advice applies to online sales pages as well.

      I credit many with helping me hone my own copywriting skills – Lorrie Morgan Ferrero, Dan Kennedy, Armand Morin, Michel Forin, Michele PW, Mark Silver, just to name a few.

      Also, I've developed a Virtual Event Sale Page Maker which is being beta tested by a few individuals. It'll be ready in a few weeks and it'll contain a guide on how to write copy for your virtual event sales page.

      So, from all those resources, Yoana, you should be able to develop your own copywriting skills. Of course, you can always hire someone to teach you.