What Is Money Drama?

by | Mar 4, 2013 | Unleash the Flow of Money

There’s one thing I love – music.

From the time I was small, I sang in many choirs and I played the organ in churches for many years. Recently, I started playing the organ for a congregation of 300. It’s the first time I’ve done so in 15-years.

Naturally, I was nervous, but through prayer, I knew that God would bless my hands and my feet as I played. As soon as I got on the organ, it all came back to me.

As I was getting ready to play for the very first time, I went to my basement and dug through a box containing all my music. I discovered a song that I started composing back in 1999 that was unfinished. It took me three months but I was able to complete the song in its entirety.

I soon discovered why the song remained in an unfinished state for 15-years. A portion of the composition was written in a difficult key (C-sharp major). Every time I played the section, the chord sounded weird.


For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what the problem was. I grew more irritated and frustrated every time I played the offending section. I eventually gave up.

This is how money drama plagues us.

When there’s drama that surrounds our money, irritation arises. Impatience becomes our friend. And the disharmony we feel eventually prompts us to abandon our effort to experience peace with our money.

What is money drama?

Before we can answer the question how many drama shows up and how to remove it from or lives, we first need to define what it is. As you can imagine, money drama is not in the dictionary. And even the definition of money is not complete. So, I visited dictionary.com, found the definition for drama, found one for money, then combined the two.

Money drama is:

“A situation or sequence of events that is highly emotional, tragic or conflicting and affects your ability to experience harmony with your money.”

This is exactly what happens when money drama shows up in your life. It’s highly emotional, it’s tragic and conflicting. And because it ruins our energy and creativity, we’re not able to see the ways to eliminate the drama and create harmony around our money.

Often, we try to remove the money drama from our lives in unhealthy ways.

  • We try to love money more.
  • We attempt to treat it like a person so we can fix our relationship with it.
  • We say we don’t need money and think of it was something evil.

I tried to remove the disharmony from my composition in ways that would’ve ruined the song. I thought about re-writing the entire section in a different key. I thought about eliminating the section altogether. But the only way to solve the disharmony was to fix the root cause.

That’s what we’ll explore in our post tomorrow. We’ll look at the root cause of money drama. Once you understand where the money drama is coming from and why this is so emotional and tragic, you’ll be one step closer to becoming a refreshed composer over your new money song.

Scripture Reference

Galatians 5:19-21
1 Timothy 6:10-11
James 3:14-16

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