Welcome Inc. Magazine Readers

by | Feb 3, 2010 | Upcoming Events | 1 comment

Thanks to my buddy Stu McLaren, I found out that I was listed as a resource in an article written by Inc. Magazine called How to Use Multimedia for Business Marketing.

My expertise has taken me beyond podcasting into the wonderful world of virtual events (and one could argue that podcasting is a virtual event), however, I wanted to make sure you’re aware of a wonderful resource that’s available for free here on my new blog.

The very last interview I ever did on the topic of podcasting for profit is available for playback for free. There’s nothing to download. Just turn up your speakers and listen to Jan Marie Dole ask me about all the ways to use podcasting for business. Click here to access this wonderful resource.

And feel free to poke around here as you’ll find a wealth of tips and tricks on how to use podcasting, conference calls, videos and other multi-media tools to boost your business.

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1 Comment

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