Want to Learn Why Won’t They Sign Up?

by | Jun 9, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 2 comments

A few days ago, I announced my upcoming complimentary teleclass taking place today, June 9, 2010 at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern called Why Won’t They Sign Up.

Just under 500 people are signed up for this call and there’s still room for more. I made some slight changes:

  • I’m going to share 3 keys instead of 4. I was able to consolidate 2 of the keys into one. This gives me enough time to cover all 3 adequately so I’m not rushing through the keys.
  • And, you’ll notice that I modified the title a bit to not only reflect heart-centered tips, but also give you some money making ones as well.

The one thing that hasn’t changed are what you’ll learn from this 75-minute session. Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • Why GREAT CONTENT doesn’t fill telesummits or virtual events and what you should be using instead.
  • The 3 C’s you MUST KNOW so you fill your telesummits and virtual events WITH EASE.
  • The SIMPLE way to attract attention to your virtual event (this tool is so subtle & effective, you’ll kick yourself for not using it after you find out what it is).
  • How to craft your virtual event pink spoon so you ATTRACT LEADS and get them to buy.
  • How one woman used Leesa’s tips to INCREASE enrollment in her virtual event by 1600% (I’ll share with you what she did on this call)
  • The old school marketing tactic you can no longer afford to ignore and how to use if EFFECTIVELY in today’s marketplace.
  • What to include on your virtual event SALES PAGE so you don’t come across as being too “sale-sy”

To sign up for this complimentary call taking place June 9, 2010 at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern, click here to get the call-in details.

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