Virtual Events Trigger Personal Connections

by | May 20, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 2 comments

My business is all virtual. I don’t write cheques anymore (all invoices are paid via PayPal), I don’t attend offline networking events anymore (repeat business and referrals keep the bills paid) and I form some of my most memorable connections using virtual events and social media.

Of course, virtual events can’t take the place of face-to-face interactions, as stated by Ann All. In a recent blog post, Ann said that  she wasn’t making any real connections attending a virtual event hosted by SAP. Ann goes on to say:

“At [non-virtual] conferences, I’ve initiated what proved to be lasting relationships while waiting in line for that 10th cup of coffee.”

Hmmm, I’ve done the same with virtual events. I can count on both my hands and both feet the number of long lasting relationships I’ve formed, not waiting in line for coffee, but networking with someone through Twitter or responding to someone in the online forums for a virtual event.

Virtual events can’t take the place of the connections that humans crave, I agree. However, virtual events are digital icebreakers that help trigger personal connections. That way, when I meet someone in person that I’ve connected with online, instead of going through the awkwardness of “So, what do you do?” or “How was your flight?”, we’re both ready to move to the next stage in our relationship.

That’s why smart virtual event hosts and organizers will combine their virtual event with a non-virtual one. As Susan A. Friedmann shared in a recent blog post called 3 Ways to Have Virtual Events Work with Physical Events, virtual events can either supplement or compliment a non-virtual one (replace is the third, but I no longer think you can afford to do this one for many different reasons).

For this reason, attendees can’t afford to blow off a virtual event just because they can’t touch or smell other attendees. By connecting with other attendees in a virtual environment, you start the process of developing personal connections. If this isn’t happening for you when you attend a virtual event, either you need to stop acting so snobby or just don’t attend.

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