Virtual Events Are Live Events Too

by | May 19, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 2 comments

There aren’t many things in life that get my knickers in a bunch, but one thing that does is when people say:  “live events vs virtual events.”

Here’s the deal…

Both virtual and non-virtual events are live. When I tell attendees to meet me at 1:00pm Eastern on a certain day for a webinar or conference call, I’m conducting the session live. When I walk into a room at a conference center to listen to a speaker present, again, I’m accessing a live session.

Because both virtual and non-virtual events are live, saying that non-virtual ones are “live” and virtual ones are not is misleading. We can instead use the terms:

  • Online vs Offline events
  • Or, Virtual vs Non-Virtual events

But let’s drop this live events vs online events, pretty please. What other terms can we use to refer to online vs offline events?

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