Virtual Event Success Stories, Are You Next?

by | May 4, 2010 | Upcoming Events, Virtual Events & Telesummits

When a burnt out therapist hosts a virtual event, what do you think happens? She makes $94,000.

Meet Casey Truffo. She attended my very first multi-speaker virtual event in 2008 and decided it was fine time for her to do the same.

Not only did she earn **almost** 6-figures, but she decided to host yet another one that same year…and has done so ever since.

Want to know how she did it? Casey will share her tips in a **FREE** interview with me on May 5th. While money wasn’t the only motivation for Casey, it sure was a nice perk.

Aside from Casey, you’ll meet another individual in this preview call who hosted a multi-speaker virtual event so he could connect with movers & shakers in his industry. You’ll also meet one more individual in this preview call who hosted a multi-speaker virtual event so she could share her message with a global audience.

Join Leesa Barnes, Casey Truffo and others as we share…

Virtual Event SUCCESS STORIES: How Consultants – Just Like YOU – Used Virtual Events to Skyrocket Their List, Their Expert Status & Their Income

This no-fee call is a SNEAK PEEK of all the great content I and my faculty of speakers will be sharing at the 2010 VIRTUAL EVENT BOOM, a 5-day virtual event taking place May 10-14, 2010.

To get the call-in details, enter your first name and email address in the boxes below. If you have to miss the call due to a meeting or another appointment, sign up anyways because only those on this list will get access to the recording.

And remember…

Virtual Event Boom starts shortly after this preview call ends. Listen to the Leesa, Casey Truffo and others share their successes with virtual event, then decide after the call whether to attend Virtual Event Boom.

Free Preview Call Series
April 14th, 21st, 28th & May 5th at 1pm Eastern

You’ll get the call-in details and access to the recordings of the ones you’ve missed after you enter your first name and email below.

First Name:

I hate spam just as much as you do. I won’t share, rent or give away your email address even if someone promised me a four course meal (and I love food).

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