Virtual Event Marketing Formula – Yes, There Is One

by | Apr 19, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 1 comment

Do you know the secret to filling a virtual event? It’s not who’s speaking at your virtual event. It’s not even the platform you’re using.

The secret in filling your virtual event lies in your marketing and sadly, this is the one area that virtual hosts ignore. That’s why I’m happy to share my virtual event marketing formula for **FREE** on Wednesday April 21st at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern.

This complimentary call is a SNEAK PEEK of all the great content that I and my faculty of speakers will be sharing at the 2010 VIRTUAL EVENT BOOM, a 5-day virtual event taking place May 10-14, 2010.

To get the call-in details for this call and the others in this series, enter your first name and email address below.

Free Preview Call Series
April 14th, 21st, 28th & May 5th at 1pm Eastern

You’ll get the call-in details and access to the recordings of the ones you’ve missed after you enter your first name and email below.

First Name:

I hate spam just as much as you do. I won’t share, rent or give away your email address even if someone promised me a four course meal (and I love food).

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