Virtual Event Manifesto – Introduction

by | Aug 26, 2009 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

I was watching a video featuring Tim Schmidt who was sharing his 5 tips to creating a tribe using an association model (how fitting, huh?), a resource shared by my friend Tynisha Thompson, founder of the Association of Book Publicity Professionals.

One of Tim’s tips is to create a purpose or a guiding set of principles. This made me think of Jesus. When He was on this earth, He preached about his guiding principles that thousands of years later, almost a third of the earth’s population still follow to this day.

While I don’t consider myself a Messiah by any stretch, I feel that this association does need guiding principles – or a manifesto – to follow so that anyone who joins understands where I’m coming from. This manifesto will also help people understand whether or not this association can help them with their virtual event needs.

So, starting tomorrow, I will list the 7 guiding principles that make up the Virtual Event Manifesto. These will be posted each week day once a day until all 7 have been posted.

I invite you to join me on this journey by posting your reaction to the Virtual Event Manifesto and add your thoughts to the discussion. Get ready. I will push buttons.

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