Virtual Event Manifesto #6 – A Celebrated Topic is Better than a Celebrity Name

by | Sep 3, 2009 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

A popular, in-demand topic is better for your virtual event than a popular, celebrity name.

Too often, virtual event managers look to celebrities, best selling authors, and anyone with a famous name and a big platform to speak at their virtual event.

redcarpetWhile a big name individual can help pull people to your virtual event, it can become frustrating because the celebrity doesn’t meet your spoken and unspoken expectations.

For example, you may be counting on the celebrity to promote your virtual event to their legion of fans, yet they don’t do it due to all the demands on their schedule. You may expect the celebrity to give you a content rich session, but instead, he or she cheerleads and leaves you wanting more.

Don’t overlook those who may not have tons of popularity and who know their content really well. It’s better to schedule a topic that’s in hot demand and find a speaker to present on that topic than to book a celebrity or well known individual and have them present on a mediocre topic. Your attendees will appreciate a celebrated topic over a celebrity name any day.

Now, I’m not suggesting you invite those who’ve never spoken before at any event ever. Instead, you need to find someone who can provide really great content and who has a charismatic attitude and experience speaking from a platform. Those who are not celebrities tend to give the most in terms of promoting your virtual event and in producing a pitch-free and content rich training session.

Recommended Resource: Want to learn how to get started with your virtual event? Click here to join the Association of Virtual Event Managers, Organizers & Hosts (AOVEM) and gain access to resources and benefits to help you on your virtual event journey.

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