Virtual Event Manifesto #3 – Passion, Not Permission, is Enough to Get You Started

by | Aug 31, 2009 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 1 comment

Being perfect and getting permission doesn’t matter. Passion does.

So, nobody knows you. No one has a clue as to what you can do or the results you can produce.

Yet, you see a need in your marketplace to create an annual gathering for your peers, prospects or your clients. You really, really want to host a virtual event to bring together all these people and ideas in one place, however, you don’t have the credentials. You don’t have a history of producing results in your particular industry. So, you sit on your idea and do nothing.

mufasasherlock8757Stop focusing on what you don’t have and instead, focus on what you do have. Your passion is enough to get you rolling. You don’t need permission from anyone to launch your virtual event. The only requirement you need to have is to be someone who is enjoyable to work with. That’s it.

You don’t need a college degree, credentials or other letters after your name to host a virtual event for your industry. All you need is a little bit of knowledge and the right people to help you produce a profitable virtual event.

Recommended Resource: Want to learn how to get started with virtual events? Click here to get the How to Boost Your Business Hosting Virtual Events MP3 recording and PDF transcripts.

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1 Comment

  1. taylormarek

    Good point. I think I'll get started on that… 😉