Virtual Event Manifesto #1 – Ease of Access Trumps Flashy Technology

by | Aug 27, 2009 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

If they can’t access your virtual event, then you might as well not produce it.

Many businesses get caught up in how they’re going to deliver their virtual event content. And it’s understandable why – you could spend anywhere between $10,000 to $25,000 on a virtual event platform.

Make it easy for your attendees to connect to your content and you’ll get positive feedback and testimonials months after your virtual event ends. Because at the end of the day, no matter how great your content was, no matter how stellar your speakers were, if your technology fails at any point during your virtual event, attendees will rate your virtual event poorly.

Most times, the failure of the technology has nothing to do with you as a virtual event manager. It could be that the user is using a Mac computer and your virtual event platform only works with Windows, or, they may be so fearful of technology that no matter how simple it is to use, they will throw up their hands in frustration and say it doesn’t work. It’s not unusual for attendees to ask for their money back if they have trouble connecting to your virtual event.

You can avoid all of these problems by using one of the oldest technologies in the world to connect your audience with your content. The telephone is the easiest tool you can use to deliver your virtual event content. Why? Because there isn’t a learning curve, plus it’s less intimidating than any other tool.

Everyone has a telephone, and they know how to use it. You simply give a 10 digit phone number and access code to all those who sign up and pay for your virtual event, then on the day and time of the call, people dial the number and are connected to the content. Simply use a conference bridge line service in order to connect with your attendees, and deliver your content.

Recommended Resource: Looking for a telephone bridge line to use for your next virtual event? Check out Virtual Event Bridge Line for your needs. Get your first 21-days for just $1.

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