Virtual Event Launch Secrets Questions Answered

by | Oct 5, 2009 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

I held a Live Q&A call where I answered your questions about the Virtual Event Launch Secrets program.

The 27-minute recording of that call is included below. There’s nothing to download – just click on the arrow to play the recording right off the page.

This program is your crisis-management-in-a-box designed to help you produce a virtual event pain-free using my checklists, forms and templates.

You also get weekly coaching calls so you can ask your questions about the training, plus you’ll become a Virtual Event Apprentice where you’ll take a virtual event from concept to launch (you have to visit the sales page to see my Donald Trump inspired image).

The multi-pay option and the $100 discount disappears at 11:59pm ET tonight, October 5, 2009. Please listen to the audio recording below to get your questions answered.

If you don’t hear your question in the recording, post it below. Then, click here to register your spot in this unique & exciting program.

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