Virtual Event Boom Preview Call Series

by | Apr 8, 2010 | Upcoming Events, Virtual Events & Telesummits | 3 comments

A few days ago, I posted an open letter to those who host and produce virtual events badly. It got quite a bit of reaction and I’m pleased to see that people used the opportunity to heal, list their frustrations and generally learn from the mistakes of others.

In the open letter, I stated that I’m on a mission to help consultants and small business owners – like YOU – understand how to host and produce virtual events better. I’m excited to share with you a 4-part preview call series to help you better manage your virtual event.

Starting on Wednesday April 14, 2010, I’m hosting a **FREE** one-hour call each Wednesday until May 5th. In these weekly calls, I and my guest experts will share with you virtual event best practices.

These complimentary calls are a SNEAK PEEK of all the great content I and my faculty of speakers will be sharing at the 2010 VIRTUAL EVENT BOOM, a 5-day virtual event taking place May 10-15, 2010.

Here’s the preliminary preview call schedule (please note this is subject to change as I finalize details with my guest speakers).

REVIEW CALL #1 – Wed Apr 14, 2010
10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern

“7 Startling Mistakes that Even Smart Consultants Make Hosting Virtual Events (And How to Avoid Them)”

PREVIEW CALL #2 – Wed Apr 21, 2010
10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern

“The Virtual Event MARKETING CYCLE: Yes, There is a Formula! How it Works & How You Can Use it for Profit”

PREVIEW CALL #3 – Wed Apr 28, 2010
10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern

“Virtual Event TEAM BASICS: Why Planning & Producing a Virtual Event By Yourself Totally Sucks & Who to Hire Without Breaking the Bank”

PREVIEW CALL #4 – Wed May 5, 2010
10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern

“Virtual Event SUCCESS STORIES: Meet Consultants Just Like YOU Who Are Using Virtual Events to Skyrocket Their List, Their Expert Status & Their Income”

Want to get the call-in details? Head on over to Virtual Event Boom, enter your first name & email address in the box and you’ll get the call-in info sent to your inbox.

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