Video Hello from NAB 08

by | Apr 15, 2008 | Video Marketing | 2 comments

Here’s my first video from my very elegant Flip camera. Very easy to record, download and publish to my blog. The video is only a minute long.


Update: Ugh! There’s a slight delay between my voice and the image. Might be my connection as I’m using what’s equivalent to dial up here in the hotel. I’m uploading the clip in a m4v format and will replace the one above shortly.

Update: Okay, the m4v format solved the voice-to-mouth-movement ratio, but now, there’s a slight delay because the video is buffering. **sigh**

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  1. Dean

    Ooooh…more of Leesa in a new format. First there was just the written version of Leesa. Then came the voice version. And now we have a video version as well.

    There is something about the expression on your face when you talk that makes me laugh. You’re too funny 🙂