Twitter Plugins, Tools and Widgets for the Busy Business Person

by | Apr 29, 2008 | Social Media | 2 comments

Every week, I seem to discover a new tool, plugin or widget that can be used along with Twitter. Most of these are web applications, but take a look to see if there’s one that can help you use Twitter more effectively.

  • Twitter Snooze – Puts your Twitter account on vacation for up to 30 days.
  • TwitterFox – Adds Twitter to your Firefox browser.
  • Twitbin – Another plugin that adds Twitter to your Firefox browser.
  • Twubble – Helps you find more people to follow based on who your friends are already following.
  • Twhirl – Gives you the ability to follow your friends and update your Twitter status without logging into the web version of Twitter.
  • Twitter Tools – A plugin that allows you to add your Twitter updates to your WordPress. You can even update your Twitter status from your WordPress admin panel.
  • Facebook Twitter Plugin – Your Facebook status is automatically updated with the status from your Twitter page.

Are there any others I should add to this list?

Update: Thanks to Kim Beasley, The Blog Queen, here’s a wiki with a slew of Twitter plugins, widgets, apps and tools. Go crazy.

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  1. Leesa Barnes

    I found out about the wiki through Twitter by way of my friend Kim about 5 minutes before you posted your comment. What timing!