Twitter Direct Message Opt Out Tools

by | Aug 2, 2009 | Social Media | 2 comments

If you’re using Twitter, you may get automatic direct message (autoDMs) from people who you follow for the first time.

I hate these autoDMs. If someone is contacting me for the first time on Twitter using an autoDM that contains a URL to a blog, squeeze page, gift, bonus, video or some other freebie, I not only unfollow, but I also block that person.

Here’s a gem I received recently from someone who had less than half the followers I do:

Here’s another from someone who wants to share with the me the easy ways to make money online (containing an affiliate link, of course):

Here’s another one. If the person really got to know me, she’d know that I’m so not into using ads to make money online:

And here’s one from a lady who wanted to make sure I saw her autoDM, so she sent it 6-times in a matter of seconds:

I’ve been on Twitter since 2007 (check this website if you doubt me) and I refuse to let the spammers win. So, here’s a few tools I’ve been using to lessen the number of autoDMs in my direct message box on Twitter:


Spammers typically follow people then quickly unfollow them to boost their numbers, so SocialToo allows you to unfollow people who unfollow you within a certain time period. SocialToo will only work if the person whose autoDMs you want to stop are also using SocialToo.


This website also allows you to opt out of receiving people autoDMs. Like SocialToo, it will only work if the person is using TweetLater to send autoDMs.


If you’ve been getting DMs asking you “Which Michael Jackson song are you” or “Which Harry Potter character are you”, you can use fun140 to opt out of receiving these autoDMs asking you to take the quiz. I found out about this site through Sarah Robinson when she tweeted the link to the site.

Are there any other Twitter opt-out sites that you’d like to share? If so, share the link in the comments area below.

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  1. Carissa Rogers

    THanks Thanks and Thanks! OMGosh Fun140 is not so fun huh? What to do? Who has time to go back and block each one who sends me weird stuff.. isn't Facebook bad enough with that? Okay I get that a lot of people really like it.. but ugh.. 🙂

    Might want to add to revoke the sites you maybe have changed your mind about allowing access?


  2. Carissa Rogers

    THanks Thanks and Thanks! OMGosh Fun140 is not so fun huh? What to do? Who has time to go back and block each one who sends me weird stuff.. isn't Facebook bad enough with that? Okay I get that a lot of people really like it.. but ugh.. 🙂

    Might want to add to revoke the sites you maybe have changed your mind about allowing access?
