Top 5 Telesummit Secrets Exposed – Pay Attention to the Details

by | Sep 16, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

I just stumbled upon a wonderful article written by Yvonne McIntosh. After hosting her very first telesummit earlier this year (and might I say that her sales page is just awesome – full of content and the focus on the benefits), she wrote an article called Top 5 Telesummit Secrets Exposed.

I especially liked what Yvonne had to say about paying attention to the details:

“It is amazing what technology makes possible, it never would have been possible for me to do this live. But technology also brings it’s challenges. We learned that the hard way as we had things happen like: Correct links leading people to the wrong sites, webcasts dropping, one call recording just stopped half way through etc. And often there was no obvious explanation for it. So every day we worked out corrections, work arounds and added to our list of cross checks to be done before going on air to make sure it all went well. Lesson learned: Be prepared for this as often it’s outside of your control and you just have to manage it the best you can.”

If you’re not a detail oriented person, you need to hire someone who is. Otherwise, you’ll skip some of the most critical components of making your telesummit a success. Things like spelling mistakes, 404 errors, downloads leading to wrong links, can all sink your telesummit.

That’s why I have Virtual Event Managers on my team who pay attention to those details. I get to strategize knowing that the Virtual Event Manager will execute the plans.

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