Top 3 Reasons Why You Make Mistakes in Your Virtual Support Business

by | May 6, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

Some believe that mistakes are good because it means that you’re learning and growing.

But when you’re making mistakes over and over in your virtual support business – even when your client projects are at stake – it can erode your confidence which also affects your income.

When filling my sold out Certified Virtual Event Manager training program, I interviewed close to 30 people and accepted 12. I found out about their likes, dislikes and the reason why they’re searching for something new.

I met women with high and low self-esteem. Some were focused, others were distracted. Some I interviewed were clear about their path, while others were going from training program to training program and not finding the one that gave them what they needed.

For some of the women I interviewed, they were wondering why they were making so many mistakes in their virtual support business. They’d say:

  • “I know what I’m doing, but I keep forgetting stuff.”
  • “I’ve been doing this over and over, so why do I mess up.”
  • “I’m really disappointed in myself. I’m not sure I should be a [insert your title] anymore.”

Supporting business owners with their projects can be super challenging. As a former project manager and now, as a Virtual Event Manager, I deal with many clients who can be quite demanding. These demands can cause you to make mistakes. Here are some that come to mind:

  • Maybe you were supposed to follow up with someone on behalf of your client. You closed down early and completely forgot. You open your email the next morning and your client is asking for an update…
  • Or, maybe you were supposed to mail something overnight for your client. The next morning, the client informs you that he just got a call saying the package didn’t arrive. Can you send him the tracking number? (uh oh!)
  • Or, you promised to complete your client’s slides before close of business. You’ve got to prepare dinner and the task still isn’t done. Another late night.

One or two are fine. But when you’re dropping the ball everyday, again and again and again, there’s something bigger happening.

Because mistakes cost you money and time. And I know that it’s also costing you your confidence.

I’d like to share a secret with you…

I know why you’re making so many mistakes.

  • It’s not because you’re overwhelmed. You can manage the 2, 3 or 5 retainer clients that you have.
  • It’s not because you’re busy. Sure, your days are full, but you can manage. You don’t need to delegate or start a multi-VA practice.
  • And it’s not that you don’t know what you’re doing. You can do all these tasks in your sleep.

There are 3 distinct reasons why you’re making mistakes in your virtual support business and I’m going to share those 3 reasons over the next several days.

In the meantime, share with me in the comments section below what you believe are the reasons why people make mistakes in their businesses even when the stakes are high.

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  1. Top 3 Reasons Why You Make Mistakes in Your Virtual Support Business (#1) - [...] In a preview post, I shared my discoveries after speaking to really bright and really smart women while I…