These Black Women Can Help You Transform Imagination Into Income

by | Sep 13, 2016 | Black Women Innovate

I just came across a statistic about Black female entrepreneurs. Black women are starting new businesses faster than any other group1.

This is great news!

But while Black women are eager to be their own boss, they are undervalued and underpaid.

One study showed that Black women have a net worth of just $52. And for every dollar a white man earns, a Black women earns 63-cents for the same work3.

To close this income gap, Black women may look at getting an advanced degree. According to the National Association of Education Statistics, Black women are the most educated group in the United States4.

I wish getting another degree was the answer. I wish working harder and longer, or launching yet another business would close the income gap.

But they won’t…

Instead, the secret is to transform your imagination into income!

What if I told you that you can do something different with your marketing so you’re truly unique?

And what if I told you that there are sistahs, who are also business owners, who have found a way to be respected as a thought leader or pioneer in their space?

I’m happy to announce the Black Women Innovate interview series, starting on September 20, 2016!

I’m interviewing 14 Black female business owners – yes, sistahs – who have disrupted their industry using a brand new marketing tactic.

Black women rarely step out of the box – and when they do, they’re not praised for their innovation.

That’s why I’m bringing you their stories so you will be inspired to challenge the status quo.


  • If you’re feeling the pain of loneliness or isolation because you’re not celebrated…
  • If you’re looking for fresh ideas on how to boost your income stream…
  • If you want to know what’s coming so you build your business to meet a growing need…
  • If you want to ditch the niche and invent a whole new category…

Click here to secure your access to the 2016 Black Women Innovate interview series.

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