The Wealthy Thought Leader

by | Feb 24, 2010 | Upcoming Events | 3 comments

Do you sense there are BIGGER, more MEANINGFUL things you’re meant to do as an entrepreneur? Are you lying awake a night with “idea itches” you can’t scratch? Or maybe you’re wondering if there are any good ideas LEFT that are worth pursuing for profit?

I recently made a change in my business, going from being a social media expert (which was a miserable experience) to FINALLY pursuing the one thing that client’s have been telling me I’m an expert in which is using virtual events to make money and become an authority in my niche.

With this change in focus, I’ve become very crystal clear on my product offerings and my long term plans. On top of that, I’ve been much more selective about the type of events I attend as an attendee. That’s why when Andrea J. Lee announced her Wealthy Thought Leader workshop, taking place March 18-20, 2010 in Vancouver, BC, I registered right away, no questions asked.

What I love about Andrea is that she’s a thought leader herself. She worked as the right-hand to Thomas Leonard (the “Father of Coaching”) and went on to build her own multiple-income-stream coaching and training empire. Andrea has spent her entire career busting apart stale business paradigms and reinventing how entrepreneurs package their gifts for meaning and profit.

If you’ve ever had even an inkling that you could be the next 6- or even 7-figure THOUGHT LEADER in your industry, you MUST attend Andrea’s 3-day workshop taking place March 18-20, 2010 in beautiful Vancouver, BC. I’ll be there and I’d love to meet you.

Update: For those who can’t or aren’t able to travel to Vancouver right now, Andrea is now offering the workshop live over a video feed. Get the 3-day workshop from the comforts of home or office. Click here for more information.

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  2. Lawrence Fox


    >>going from being a social media expert (which was a miserable experience)<<

    Do tell? What was so miserable about it?

    • Leesa Barnes

      Oh, I'll definitely share that in another blog post. It's one that I wrote last Fall, but it's been sitting on my computer. I'm not ready to publish it yet, but when I do, you'll know.