The Social Media Telesummit is Like Basketball

by | Jan 21, 2009 | Social Media

The 2009 Social Media Telesummit starts at 12pm EST on January 21, 2009.

My adrenaline is pumping. Waiting for the start of the 2009 Social Media Telesummit reminds me of the feeling I would get when I walked out on to the basketball court to start a game. Whether I was a player or a referee, my nerves would be weighed down by my excitement.

Change is in the air. I can just feel it. It started yesterday after watching the inauguration of America’s 44th President.

And it continues today, January 21st, with the 2009 Social Media Telesummit. You need to attend because:

  • I know that one person will become a celebrity expert after attending this virtual event.
  • I know that one person will add an extra four or five figures to their income each month after attending the Telesummit.
  • I know that one person will finally figure out how to use just 1 social media tool more effective due to attending this virtual event.

Could that be you? It could be, but only if you register for the 2009 Social Media Telesummit. Change can’t happen unless you take action. Click here to grab your spot.

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