The One Simple Secret to Turn a Free Telesummit Into a Financial Windfall

by | Oct 13, 2010 | Upcoming Events, Virtual Events & Telesummits | 2 comments

I’ve blogged a few times about my feelings against hosting a free telesummit. That’s the one where you get all the sessions after you input your email address and first name in a sign up box.

Telesummits and virtual events cost money to run. You have to pay money to:

  • rent a bridge line service
  • get your assistant to help you with the administrative tasks
  • buy materials to send to attendees
  • get a graphic designer to design the creatives
  • get the recordings transcribed (the most expensive virtual event task)
  • and more…

I conducted a survey asking those who have organized telesummits how much they spent to produce it. Close to 76% of respondents spent between $500 to $2,500 to produce their telesummit or virtual event.

Some telesummit hosts and organizers “cheap out” by not paying for some of the tasks above and instead, do it themselves. If you put sweat equity into producing your telesummit or virtual event, the stains of mediocrity will show through your sales page like sweat marks on a blue, button up cotton shirt.

This is NOT the solution.

My friend, Shannon Cherry, has convinced me that you can host a free telesummit only if you do one simple thing.

Want to find out what that is? I’m hosting a 60-minute call at 8pm Eastern on October 13, 2010 called:

The One Simple Secret to Turn a Free Telesummit Into a Financial Windfall

Using Shannon’s tips, I was able to generate close to $60,000 using the free telesummit model and I’m happy that Shannon has agreed to share this info with you.

Register for this no-cost call by clicking here. I’ll be using the refresh model for tonight’s preview call, so if you want an example of how to do your preview calls differently, sign up as well.

Of course, if you can’t make the call live, register anyways because only those on the list will receive the access to the limited time recording.

Looking forward to sharing Shannon’s tips and advice with you.

Update: You can get the recording by clicking here.

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  1. Ann Bell

    How did I miss this? I saw it for the first time NOW, and it is well after the time of the call. I hope you will make a replay link available.
    Ann Bell

    • Leesa Barnes

      Hey Ann, if you follow the link above, you'll get to the non-downloadable recording of the call.