The Most Spectacular Way to Introduce Your Guest Speaker

by | May 21, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 6 comments

I just presented at the 2010 Online International Virtual Assistant Convention (OIVAC) on the topic of How to Skyrocket Your Income Becoming a Virtual Event Manager. I have a soft spot for virtual assistants because they make my business look good, so I happily accepted their invitation to speak at their event.

I was most impressed by how Leslie Keffler introduced me. It was the best speaker introduction I’ve heard in ages. Maybe ever. It was so good, I want to share this gem so you too can introduce your speakers in a spectacular way when you host your own virtual event.

Leslie read my bio. So this is a tip for you as a speaker – if you’re speaking at a virtual event, your bio needs to be read in under 30-seconds. Two or three sentences max. The more you have to brag about yourself in your bio, the less important you become to attendees. So, keep it short. For example:

Leesa Barnes is President of the International Association of Virtual Event Managers and considered one of the leading authorities on how to use virtual event to boost your business. You can find out more about Leesa by going to

Short, sweet, let’s eat.

But here’s what Leslie did that I’ll never forget. She convinced those on the phone why I’m a leading authority by bragging about me herself. Here’s what she added to my introduction (not word for word, but something along these lines):

Whenever I plan a virtual event, I always make sure to check Leesa’s blog for tips on how I can do it better. I read her blog regularly so I don’t miss out on virtual event best practices. I’m honored to have Leesa here and I can’t wait to hear what she has to share on How to Skyrocket Your Income Becoming a Virtual Event Manager. Welcome Leesa!

Leslie sounded genuine and and helped build rapport with the attendees by describing her personal experience with my brand. Not only did Leslie stroke my ego, but she legitimized me to a group who may be familiar with her, but not with me.

I do want to emphasize that if you introduce the speaker, be genuine about it. You don’t want to say that you visit their blog often only to find out that they don’t own one. So, be sure to do your research and be truthful and honest about how that speaker has helped you in the past so you make the speaker shine.

Update: I re-listened to the recording and here’s the word-for-word of what Leslie said after my bio:

“I know that whenever I have a virtual event that I need to co-ordinate, I look to see what information Leesa has to offer on her virtual event success blog or from some of her teleseminars I’ve attended in the past. Welcome Leesa.”

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  6. Janet Barclay

    The last time I spoke, I was introduced on the fly by someone who has known me for several years; she included a lot more detail than I would ever have expected (most of which was accurate) and gave the group a really good understanding of who I was and why I was invited to speak to them. It made me feel really good, more confident, and therefore more relaxed about speaking (though I'm sure that's not an issue for you, Leesa!).