The High Cost of Low Sign-ups, Part 3 (Reach)

by | Aug 15, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

Image a world that is suffering. Ok, maybe that seems too big. Let’s instead imagine your target market. They’re suffering from a problem. No matter where they go or who they coach with, the problem still exists.

You’re the only one that can help them. Despite the number of “competitors” in the marketplace, this focused, niched tribe is looking for you. Your personality, your style of coaching, your experiences and your heart is exactly what this group needs to help them move beyond their challenge.

But because you didn’t get the sign-ups you expected for your telesummit, this tribe will never get to know. Or, they may get to know you, but not as quickly as you had hoped. They will continue to suffer through their problem because the person with the solution – YOU – is wallowing in mediocrity because you aimed too low and too small with your recent virtual event.

This is one of the other consequences of low sign-ups – your reach doesn’t go as wide as it could. Instead of touching others with your voice, your message and your vision, your niche market won’t experience the magnitude of your power and influence.

If you can’t reach the very people who need you, you’ll miss out on boosting your business quickly with people who are ready RIGHT NOW to pay you whatever you charge to help them get rid of their problem.

Need More?

On my FREE call that I’m hosting with Lynn Pearce on August 17, 2011 at 8pm Eastern, we’ll share with you how you can use one of the 5 M’s to reach out to a wider audience. This tip alone will help you increase the number of sign-ups for your video summit, telesummit or virtual event. To reserve your spot, head on over to

If you’re anxious to host a profitable telesummit, video summit or virtual event, please join Lynn and I on this free teleclass taking place on Wednesday August 17th at 8pm Eastern.

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