The High Cost of Low Sign-ups, Part 2 (Revenue)

by | Aug 11, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

Remember the telesummit host who spent $12,000 to set up her virtual event, but only made $1,200 in registrations? When she shared her promotional strategy with me, I was able to pinpoint right away the mistakes she made.

She gave away too much.

And because she gave away too much, she wasn’t able to make money on her greatest asset – the expert interviews from her telesummit series.

To build the know, like and trust factor with prospects, you should give away something for free. That way, people can decide whether or not they want to do further business with you. That’s why offering previews is a wonderful strategy. You give away something for free and use it to upsell the participant to purchasing access to your entire telesummit. In other words, give something to whet the appetite, then move people to the paid telesummit series to consume all the success tips your experts have to offer.

But you have to be very careful about how much you give away for free and what it looks like. In a program called Proven Teleseminar ‘Preview Call’ Template to Help You Sell More Authentically, Kendall Summerhawk wrote that when conducting previews, “you are not training the participant to become an expert; you are simply providing great information about how they can get started solving a problem.”

Because for most people, if the entire telesummit series is free, they have no reason to commit to consuming the content. In her blog post entitled The Fallacy of Free, Lynn Pearce states:

“Because the event was free, when something more urgent came up — something that wasn’t free or that involved you making money — the free thing dropped to the bottom of the pile. So while free is initially an attention grabber it is easily pushed to one side when schedule conflicts come up.”

Resist the urge to give away everything for free. Understand how to craft a preview of your series so you motivate, inspire and get people to take action. Your free preview isn’t designed to turn the prospect into an expert. It’s designed to get them interested enough to invest in your telesummit.

As you can see, you can reverse the saga of low sign ups and boost your revenues if you follow the right strategy.

Need More?

On my FREE call that I’m hosting with Lynn Pearce on August 17, 2011 at 8pm Eastern, we’ll share a fantastic strategy that you can use to pull in more sign-ups. Clients who have use this strategy typically pull in 5-figures or more from virtual event registrations. We can’t wait to share this strategy with you.

To reserve your spot, head on over to

If you’re anxious to host a profitable telesummit, video summit or virtual event, please join Lynn and I on this free teleclass taking place on Wednesday August 17th at 8pm Eastern.

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