The High Cost of Low Sign-ups, Part 1 (Reputation)

by | Aug 9, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

When a speaker emails you asking how many people have signed up for your virtual event, do you spend hours crafting a reply that focuses on everything BUT the numbers?

Because I know how embarrassing it can be to have more speakers than attendees.

When people don’t sign up to attend your multi-speaker virtual event, such as a telesummit, video summit or virtual tradeshow, this reflects poorly on your influence. Your speakers, joint venture partners and attendees believe that you just don’t have the market power to bring enough people together.

You don’t have to tell your stakeholders that you weren’t able to attract enough attention – they’ll know.


  • Attendees will see very little activity in the virtual event forums and ask “Is anyone out there?”
  • Speakers will notice that only 2 or 3 people are tweeting on Twitter during their session
  • Joint venture partners will notice that very few people clicked on the link to their free offering

Telesummits, video summits and other multi-speaker virtual events help to increase your visibility in the market.

But, if you’re not able to get people to sign-up, it shows that you’re not a mover and shaker. Then, 12, 20 or 30 speakers will go and tell their friends, colleagues and clients NOT to work with you because you just don’t have the influence.

In this case, your reputation is a stake and you can ruin it if the sign-ups are low.

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