The Great Opt Out Manifesto: Why I Just Cannot Return to Normal and What I Want Instead (Contains Guided Prompts for Journaling)

by | Jul 29, 2021 | Boundaries, Highly Sensitive People

The expanded essay, plus the 6 lessons I learned sheltering-in-place, is posted here. If you’d like to receive the 5 guided prompts so you can use reflective journaling to get clear about what you want to opt out of, enter your info in the box below to get them delivered to your inbox.

NOTE: If you’re a patron in my community, login there to get the guided prompts. If you’re not a patron, you can become one.

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What to do if you’re feeling low

If after journaling you’re feeling really low, please seek the help of a mental health professional. In the video below, I give some tips on the clues to look for if your mental health is not in a good place.

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