The Future Of – Private Spaces for Rent

by | Aug 31, 2016 | Innovative Ideas

People are selling their spaces.

  • Those who have spaces in their car for rent use Uber.
  • Those who have spaces in their home for rent use AirBnB.
  • Those who have spaces in their offices for rent use Breather.
  • Those who have cooked too much for dinner can rent out a space at their dinner table and host others using #EatWith or #Feastly or #Cookapp.

There’s another app you can use if you own this type of space…

If you have a parking spot you’re not using and you’d like to rent it, Rover is the answer

Social sharing,  collaborative economy, whatever we’re calling this, it’s what people want right now.

So, ask yourself…

“What type of spaces do people own that they could rent to someone else? And how can I build an app to connect those buyers and sellers together?”

Now that’s #innovation.

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