The Future Of – Capturing Dying Languages

by | Sep 12, 2016 | Innovative Ideas

This is both funny and sad. From The Guardian:

The language of Ayapaneco has been spoken in the land now known as Mexico for centuries. It has survived the Spanish conquest, seen off wars, revolutions, famines and floods. But now, like so many other indigenous languages, it’s at risk of extinction. There are just two people left who can speak it fluently – but they refuse to talk to each other.

In 2015, the two men “kissed” and made up…

Manuel Segovia and Isidro Velazquez, both in their 70s, put their feud aside and the reunion was captured on video. The two men have a created a school and are now teaching the language to school aged children in the village.

Whew – disaster averted…

There are still a few more languages that will become extinct after those who can speak it pass on. The Daily Mail captured a few of those languages close to extinction in the image below:



How do we use innovation to save these endangered languages?

Post your ideas below.

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