The Florence Syndrome: How to Avoid Costly Mistakes When Hiring a Virtual Support Team

by | Jul 16, 2013 | Outsourcing


I was watching an afternoon marathon of The Jeffersons. I remember my parents used to watch the series when it aired in the late 1970s to mid 1980s. I was too young to remember each and every episode, but I do remember the opening theme song (although I was horrified to see how much I messed up the lyrics after reading them online recently).

And I do remember Florence…

She was the maid that the Jeffersons hired to help around the house. While she made for great comic relief, she was a nightmare for the Jeffersons. Florence was rude, lazy and she was always complaining.

Sadly, we may hire a “Florence” in our businesses. In this short video, I share a 5-step formula on how to avoid hiring a florence in your ministry or business. Grab your pen and paper to take lots of notes.

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