The Bliss Factor

by | Mar 26, 2009 | Upcoming Events

A few weeks ago, I shared with you my 4-hour workday. It is possible to work less and earn more and I’m so glad that I’m able to do so.

But is it possible for your business? And in this shaky economy? Well, my friend and mentor, Milana Leshinsky is here to tell you: “Yes, you can!” And Milana is living proof.

After 5 years of people telling her that she couldn’t build a million-dollar company working 4-5 hours a day while raising two small children, she just went ahead and proved them wrong.

Only a few short years ago, Milana was just like many entrepreneurs – working 10 or more hours a day, and pulling in less than $50,000 a year while  struggling to get it all done with a young and growing family. She had no choice but to do something different.

Milana quickly learned the keys to growing a half a million dollar company working 4 hours a day a few days a week. She created a multiple streams business using systems and automation and she shows no sign of slowing down.

In fact, thousands of coaches, consultants, and other types of small business owners seek out Milana’s personal coaching and her sold-out events to learn how she makes it all so effortless.

Today Milana’s teaching entrepreneurs just like you how to uncover new income-stream goldmines hidden in your current business and create the lifestyle you really want.

I’ve learned from Milana and now, I’m working a 4-hour workday, 3 times per week. Milana has been my mentor for many years. If I’m doing it and Milana is doing, then surely, it’s possible for you as well.

Go here to find out more and be sure to get a copy of her FREE 40-page guide, where she shows you the step-by-step process for liberating yourself from the “time-for-money” economy and unlocking the amazing growth in your business:

Another thing – If you’ve been running your business on “full steam” wondering when you can finally slow down, you simply MUST grab Milana’s information. Her guide shows you how to create room for new income streams, automate and streamline your product funnel, create a winning virtual team, and enjoy plenty of passive income. Click here to get Milana’s free special report on this very topic.

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