The Best Way to Be Inclusive Is To…

by | Feb 12, 2016 | Innovative Ideas

I belong to a few groups on Facebook. In some, I post more frequently than I do here. Sometimes, I post the same thing in a few active groups just to see the response. In some groups, I get no likes, no replies and no shares. In others, there are multiple comments and reactions.

The groups where I feel included are the ones I return to daily. Because in those groups, members don’t talk about inclusion – they demonstrate it every day.

It can be hard to imagine what inclusion feels like to someone who is consistently excluded due to gender, country of birth, skin colour, religion, political leanings, etc. So, let me give you an idea.

Inclusion means…

…responding to my comments when I post hem here in the group. I feel as if my opinions matter.

Inclusion means…

…not seeing the same people respond to my comments. It means that I reach a diversity of people and thoughts.

Inclusion means…

…not assuming my narrative due on the colour of my skin, country I live, gender I identify with, political leaning, or sexual orientation. It means that I’m seen as a human with my own, unique experiences.

Inclusion means…

…accepting that my spirituality is different from yours. I can speak of my faith without compromise and listen to you express your tradition without the need to proselyte.

Inclusion means…

…not being asked to represent the viewpoints of those who look like me. I don’t need to speak of issues that plague some in my racial, religious, political or social group because it either doesn’t apply to me or I have no interest in the issue.

Inclusion means…

…no judgement. I can represent my thoughts fully and you seek to understand, rather than chastise.

What does inclusion mean to you?

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