The 5 Money Imps that Destroy Our Quest for Money Harmony

by | May 3, 2013 | Unleash the Flow of Money

Growing up, my mother would always refer to “satan and his imps” whenever she talked about those who were up to no good. I always wondered what imps were and imagined they were small, green things with curved backs and ugly faces. Then I saw the orcs in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I knew I was dead on.

The imps show up in our money as well. I call them money imps and they pop up when we’re trying to achieve harmony and peace over our money. In fact, it’s those money imps that create the money drama in our lives.

There are 5 money imps that are creating money drama in your life or business.

  • Money Imp #1 – Anger
  • Money Imp #2 – Shame
  • Money Imp #3 – Unforgiveness
  • Money Imp #4 – Guilt
  • Money Imp #5 – Regret

Sometimes, these money imps pop up due to a money decision you made. Other times, it’s because of a decision or action that someone else made that affected you. No matter who was the catalyst for creating the money drama, you are the one who has kept the door open for these money imps to invade your life or your business.

These money imps block you from the money miracles that God has planned for you.

It also prevents you from shining and being visible. When you’re hidden, God can’t use you for His purpose.

These money imps also eat away at your soul, energy and time because there’s no outlet for you to share how you feel. And when you don’t have an outlet to open up about what’s keeping you stuck, the money imps leap for joy at your inaction.

You may be too embarrassed to share your money mistakes with family members. Or, you may be afraid that you’ll be judged if you share your money drama with a friend or even your pastor.

The Faithfully Rich Inner Circle is your outlet…

I created this space for you and I to share our money drama, let go of the money imps and experience money miracles in a place where you won’t be judged.

I looked for a place where I could share my money issues from a faith-based perspective. But because I talk about God as my source, I was ignored. I started to talk about Spirit and Universe just so I could fit in and be seen, but that just didn’t resonate with me.

I created the Faithfully Rich Inner Circle for women of faith who desire to have a safe place where they can share their money drama in a supportive and judge-free environment. Without family members to call them silly. Without church members to judge their decisions. And without spiritual leaders to lead them down the wrong path.

I’d love to mentor you…

The accountability, mentorship and support, PLUS all the teaching materials make investing in yourself through the Faithfully Rich Inner Circle a no-brainer.

If you do so before May 7, 2013, you’ll get the Founding Members rate. I look forward to helping you get rid of the money imps so you can claim victory over money drama.

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