The 3 Most Common Telesummit Questions Answered

by | Jul 29, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 6 comments

One of my favorite coaches and good friend, Louise Crooks, asked me some questions about telesummits. With her permission, I recorded a portion of our conversation to make it available to you.

Here are the questions Louise asked me:

  1. How successful are telesummits that rely on upsells to make money? I shared numbers that you’ll find quite interesting
  2. Everyone and their mother is doing telesummits – and for free. How do I make mine stand out? I shared one powerful tip that I got from telesummit pioneer, Milana Leshinsky
  3. How should I price my telesummit? What is the range that I should consider? I provide the 3 things you must consider when pricing your telesummit registrations

Click on the play button below to listen to this 7-minute audio interview.

If you’d like more tips on how to make money with your next (or first) telesummit, I have 10 copies of Multiple Streams of Virtual Event Income that I brought back from my trip to the Meeting Planners International World Education Congress. Not only will I pick up the tab on shipping, but I’ll personally sign a copy. Click here and use the coupon code FREESHIP to get a copy of the book.

(Note: If you’re using Internet Explorer (64-bit) browser on Windows 7, or if you’re using an Apple handheld or tablet device, such as an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, the play button may not be visible above. Please use another browser, such as Chrome, Firefox or non 64-bit Internet Explorer on a laptop or computer to play the audio above)

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  1. CaraLynn

    Hi Leesa – Would you say your tips also hold true for teleseminars? Just me and my content, a free call, an audience, an invitation to an upcoming program… Or is this advice specific for a telesummit?

    • Leesa Barnes

      Great question. These tips would be specific to a telesummit. If you’re using a teleseminar as a pre-launch for a program, then different rules do apply. 

  2. Daphne Bousquet

    Great information Leesa.  You give some very interesting numbers and I love Milana’s tip on how to stand out.  Thanks for sharing this with us!

    • Leesa Barnes

      I totally love Milana’s tip. It’s just one of the things you can use to stand out.

  3. Val

    Thanks, Leesa!  Great advice and timely too since I’m in the planning phases of what I WAS calling a telesummit. LOL  Now I’ll find a new name for it…

    • Leesa Barnes

      You’ll have to share the new name of your telesummit. I’d love to hear what you’ve come up with.