The #1 Thing that Fills Virtual Events (And It’s Not the Content)

by | Dec 16, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 7 comments

Often, I get asked what’s the best way to attract attendees to a virtual event. And too often, those who host virtual events waste precious time focusing on the content and technology, instead of hiring the right people to help them do so.

In the video below, I share the #1 thing that fills virtual events. It’s a phrase I’ve shared many times before, but this time, I add it to song. Hat tip to Mark Silver for inspiring me to reach into my musical background.

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And look out for an announcement from me on Tuesday December 20, 2011 where I’ll share how you can learn about the best marketing tools to use to get more bums in the virtual seats.

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  1. Louise Crooks

    Great job Leesa! And brave! And now I have that little ditty stuck in my head!! 😉

    • Leesa Barnes

      Woohoo! That was the point of the jingle – to make it stick! Glad you liked it Louise 🙂

  2. sandrabaptist

    Ha ha! You’re mad! Could never sing in front a video camera. 7 y/o even says to stop singing in the bathroom as I’m disturbing him! LOL!
    Having said that I WILL remember the point!

    Great vid!

    • Leesa Barnes

      Hah! Yes, I’ve been called weird, odd and crazy – now mad. I LOVE it! Anything to make sure that the content is unforgettable. 

  3. Roberta

    Promotion does. Like the fruits

  4. Lakshmi Gosyne

    Great way to hammer that home Leesa. Love the singing!

    • Leesa Barnes

      I hope my attempt at singing helps to make the point stick. I hope my little reminder helps you focus in on that very tip as you get ready for your January virtual event.