Telesummit Refresh Training Videos & Preview Call

by | Sep 22, 2010 | Upcoming Events, Virtual Events & Telesummits

I just released a 5-part video series teaching you how to refresh your next (or first) telesummit. Each video is about 10-minutes in length and here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why the telesummit model is flawed today even though they’re so popular.
  • How hosting a telesummit in 2008 pulled me out of debt and what you can expect a telesummit to do for your own business.
  • What Pat the watergirl taught me about refreshing my telesummit model.
  • Why telesummits are just like dying plants and what you can do to rejuvenate them if you plan to host one.
  • How to use the A.L.I.V.E. model to boost your business using a telesummit.
  • Why a workshop trainer cancelled all classroom training after hosting a virtual summit.
  • The refreshed strategy a leadership consultant used to earn 5-figures hosting a career virtual summit.
  • How a burnt out therapist used a telesummit to earn almost 6-figures.
  • How you can easily produce your own telesummit for financial, personal and professional success.

BTW, I’m hosting a 60-minute interactive preview call on Wednesday September 29, 2010 and only those on the list will get info on how to sign up for this preview call. So, click here to view the videos and get details about the preview call.

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