Teleclass: How to Use Social Media Get Thousands of Warm, Hungry Visitors to Your Website

by | May 13, 2008 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

One of the biggest complaints I hear from people who are blogging and podcasting is the lack of traffic.

If this is you, I’m inviting you to join me on Wednesday May 14 at 2pm EDT for a one hour teleclass with 2 of my favorite marketing gals – Michele PW, Your $Ka-Ching! Marketing Strategist, and Mary Pat Kavanagh, Queen of Connections.

Michele and MaryPat will share with you the Insider Secrets of Using Web 2.0 and Social Networking to Get Thousands of Warm, Hungry Visitors to Your Website.

Should be a fun call. Even if you can’t make the live call, still register as you’ll get the recording of call so you can play on your computer or download to your portable media player.

Update: The recording of this teleclass is available for free to Marketing Fit Studio members. Not a member? Go to the Marketing Fit Studio information page to start your membership now.

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