You will stumble in your quest to become anti-racist.
Stumble bravely.
You will not have all the answers.
Stumble bravely.
You will be called out for doing harm.
Even after you’ve read the anti-racism book, watched the anti-racism film, and protested loudly about yet another man or woman of African descent becoming a hashtag.
Stumble bravely.
You will discover that even as a nice, polite, and kind person, you harbour destructive and damaging biases buried deep within your inner terrain.
Stumble bravely.
Change is messy.
It’s chaotic.
It’s imperfect, filled with flaws, and complicated.
Stumble bravely in spite of, because of, and in defiance of.
If you’re ready to stumble bravely, click here to see when the next Inner Field Trip departs.
Do you have the courage to stumble?