Stumble Bravely: Why You Will Absolutely Fail In Your Quest to Become Anti-Racist, Anti-Biased, and Anti-Oppressive – And Why You Must Keep Going

by | Jun 15, 2020 | Inner Field Trip, Privilege & Power, Sustainability

You will stumble in your quest to become anti-racist.

Stumble bravely.

You will not have all the answers.⁣

Stumble bravely.⁣

You will be called out for doing harm.⁣

Even after you’ve read the anti-racism book, watched the anti-racism film, and protested loudly about yet another man or woman of African descent becoming a hashtag.⁣

Stumble bravely.⁣

You will discover that even as a nice, polite, and kind person, you harbour destructive and damaging biases buried deep within your inner terrain.⁣

Stumble bravely.⁣

Change is messy.⁣

It’s chaotic.⁣

It’s imperfect, filled with flaws, and complicated.⁣

Stumble bravely in spite of, because of, and in defiance of.⁣

If you’re ready to stumble bravely, click here to see when the next Inner Field Trip departs.

Do you have the courage to stumble?

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