Stop Being Paralyzed By What Others Think

by | Aug 21, 2009 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

I’ve come to understand that as I increase in abundance and become more visible in this market place, I will encounter people who won’t be happy with my success. The reasons why are many – jealousy, envy, the way I talk, my height – who knows (and frankly, who cares).

You see, those who have lots of fans and critics do so because they have chosen not to play it safe. Think of any guru out there and I can bet that they are successful because they took a position on a topic, defended it well and stuck to their morals.

I’ve come to understand that there are 2 ways I can approach my business: I can be mediocre and coast through life or I can strive for excellence and make an impact. I choose the latter.

I know you want to be a person of excellence. So, the next time you make excuses or give in to your fears, remember some of my favorite quotes:

“If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”
— Katherine Hepburn

“Be you because everyone else is already taken.”
— Oscar Wilde

“Well behaved women rarely make history.”
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

I trust that these quotes will help you create a business that makes a profound difference in this world. Stop being paralyzed by what people think, okay?

Have fun and be Marketing Fit!

photo courtesy: Kelly Sue

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  1. Tishia Lee

    Great quotes Leesa! I always struggle with what others think of me (not just in business but in my personal life as well).

  2. Tishia Lee

    Great quotes Leesa! I always struggle with what others think of me (not just in business but in my personal life as well).