Spiritual Marketing Telesummit

by | Apr 21, 2010 | Upcoming Events | 2 comments

I’m excited to say I’m one of the featured speakers at Suzanne Falter-Barns’ Spiritual Marketing Telesummit coming up in May 2010.

Last year, more than 300 people jumped in and they raved about it (Suzanne continues to sell the recordings to this day without even promoting it).

Not only will you experience a powerful energy shift on her calls … you’ll also hear people like an energy-shifting shaman, a Sufi marketing pro, even a ‘marketing therapist’ who help you get at the ROOT of your marketing issues.

AND – at a price YOU get to name. Yep, you read that right. You name the price. Suzanne’s doing this because of what she calls ‘the Expensive Running Shoe Solution’. When you buy top of the line shoes – you’re actually more likely to do the running.

So you get to pick the price that’s aligned with what you so you stay committed to the work. Cool, right?

All the fun begins on May 5 and runs til the 14th. If you want to listen to the Preview Call on April 21, 2010 at 8pm Eastern, featuring Mark Silver of Heart of Business, abundance psychic Andrea Hess of Empowered Soul and her partner, Jeffrey Van Dyk, click here for more.

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